Friday, October 21, 2011

Canon 60D Photography: Louisiana Hot Sauce!

Camera: Canon 60D
Lens: 50mm f/1.8
ISO: 160
Shutter Speed: 1/250

The top of a Louisiana Hot Sauce bottle. The remainder of the sauce obviously dried over. I like how the dried sauce starts out dark then becomes lighter in color. I thought it looked cool at the moment. Like a volcano lava or something.  Photographed against a white background.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Canon 50mm Depth of Field Test

I figured I'd make one of these. Nothing terribly special per se. Just a simple test of my 50mm f/1.8 lens. I did a simple DOF (depth of field) test. I found some art supplies and used them as the subjects. So yea.. =)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Canon 60D Photography: Homemade Pizza!

Hey! So, recently, I upgraded my lens. The 18-55mm standard kit has done well for many years now. I'm still keeping it. But I want a faster lens in my arsenal. So, I got the Canon 50mm f/1.8. I'm pleased with the results. I've been taking indoor low light photos lately and the kit lens just don't cut it. The shutter speeds are too slow (especially hand held exposures).

I decided to do a little test. The light source for these photos was a small hoodrange light above an oven/stove. (I color corrected the pics since a dull yellow cast was present).

Aperture Priority @ f/1.8
ISO: 640
Shutter Speed: 1/250

Aperture Priority @ f/8
ISO: 1250
Shutter Speed: 1/30

The shallow depth of field is quite obvious in the first photo. Even when looking at the pizza itself, certain parts of it are noticeably out of focus. The background where the baking sheet ends is blurred out at well.

The second photo was taken at a larger f stop giving a greater depth of field. The pizza is completely in focus and you can make out more of the baking sheet and crumbs in the rear. The shutter speeds I got were terrific. If I was using my 18-55mm kit lens, I would probably get a shutter speed reading of 0"3 or 1.5 seconds..not good for hand held photos.

So, yea..I'll defintely be looking for some good photo ops in the weeks to come. Good lens! (and good pizza too). :)