Happy belated New Year! Yea, we made it and all that good stuff. Anyway, I'm still working on that vector art bit I mentioned in a previous post. I'm making a time lapse video out of it. I'll post it on youtube when it's done. It'll be good.
Anyway, I went out yesterday to do some stuff. I usually have a pack of gum or something like that in the dashboard of my car. I was down to one stick so I asked my peeps if they had a spare pack or what not. Someone gave me this pack of 7-11 Breath Mints.
So, I took them thinking, 'Great, that'll save one trip.' So, at one point, I decided to try one out. Man! Those mints tasted weird as heck. :S
I mean, the inside of the mint made my mouth feel cool and tingly like all mints do. But the smooth coating had a taste that was synthetic and just plain odd. I don't know if it was just that particular pack but I'm not trying those again. Remember,[disclaimer]this is only MY OPINION[/end of disclaimer]. If you see them at your 7-11, if you want to chance it, try them out. I'd like to see if I'm the only one who feels this way. :S
Anyway, I'll see you later on. Have a good one.
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